CB Passive Income Extreme 2022

CB Passive Income Extreme 2022

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With the CB Passive Income Extreme, you are building your LIST on full auto-pilot to make money with affiliate marketing.

Now, if you haven’t watched the video above, it’s best not to continue reading this part because you will not understand how the system works. But if you’ve watched it, then continue reading…

As your email list is being built, over time, it becomes larger and you’re growing your highly profitable asset. The equation is very straightforward – the more valuable your asset gets, the more money you’ll make.

So, as time goes by, your income becomes exponential because it’s “stacking up”.

If 1,000 emails can make $1,000 per month for you, then having a 10,000 emails list would help to generate an income of $10,000 per month income. But the most exciting part is,  the leap from $1,000 to $10,000 is 10X.

Imagine if one day you could send out 1,000,000 emails a year like me. Can you imagine how much money you could be making by then?

Of course this doesn’t happens right away, it may take you a few years. After all, this is not a quick rich scheme but isn’t it worth the wait?

Heck, it can even be your “retirement plan”, if you start building it now!

I want to remind you again that the CB Passive Income Extreme is meant for those who don’t want to do the work and do not wish to spend the time to studying at this moment. It’s for those who wants to have experts build the affiliate business for them and then become the business owners.

Although we’re doing everything for you, you will need to have the right entrepreneurial mindset. Yes, it is possible to make money even in the first month, but if you have a quick rich expectation, this won’t work and I don’t want to work for these kinds of clients either.

The core monetization of this business is building YOUR ASSET.

This is not some push-button system. A push button system means that money magically comes out from nowhere to you. This DOES NOT EXIST.

Truth is, THERE IS A LOT OF WORK REQUIRED, it’s just that all the work is simply being outsourced to us.

We are working very hard for you to build your affiliate business behind the scenes.

So when you see a webpage claiming that a software that can make money on autopilot for you, I’m sorry to tell you that it doesn’t exist. There is no such thing – just think, if such a thing ever existed, why isn’t everyone using it to become rich, right?

The CB Passive Income Extreme is the opposite of push button, yet, it can accomplish the same effectiveness of making money. Because it’s exactly how successful people build their businesses – they hire experts to do the work for them and then, “wait” for the business to grow!

Also, there’s no “loophole” or any of that nonsense either.

For instance, there’s no such thing as a “traffic loophole”, we are just building your business like how any online affiliate businesses are being built with ads and so on. It’s just like you’re hiring an agency to run the ads for you. But of course, no agency would want to do it with a starting budget of only $100. I’m doing this because I want to help you get started.

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