Hacker / 2 posts found

FTX Hacker Can be Caught Now! Here’s Who Might Reveal the Hacker’s Identity

FTX Hacker Can be Caught Now! Here’s Who Might Reveal the Hacker’s Identity

Bitcoin FTX is making huge headlines in recent times as it has shaken the entire crypto space. Bitcoin & altcoins have witnessed a massive drop of an average of 10% to 15%. Moreover, when the assets were hacked and swapped for ETH & DAI, the markets witnessed a fresh plunge, marking new lows.  While many speculations were around about the identity of the hacker, he/she may be an insider trying to accumulate the remaining funds, labelling it as a ‘hack’. But the real identity of the hacker may not be a secret for a longer time.  Oxscope, the very first […]
Hacker claims they stole police data on a billion Chinese citizens

Hacker claims they stole police data on a billion Chinese citizens

Bitcoin A (or group of hackers) claims to have stolen data on a billion Chinese citizens from a Shanghai police database. According to , the hacker is attempting to sell 23 terabytes of data for 10 bitcoin, which is worth just over $198,000 at the time of writing. The data includes names, addresses, birthplaces, national IDs and phone numbers. reports that the hacker provided a sample of the data, which included crime reports dating as far back as 1995. Reporters confirmed the legitimacy of at least some of the data by calling people whose numbers were listed. It’s not yet […]