The Goal Loophole

The Goal Loophole

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Placing a daily treble at average odds of 4.50, I have been to consistently build my betting bank using the same strategy, over and over, and there is nothing that the bookmakers can do to plug my loophole!

From the desk of Stephen

Dear future consistently profitable punter,

Give me the next five minutes of your time, to explain why you not joining my service could be the biggest mistake you make in 2022.

If you are in any way like me,

you are into betting to make money. Betting has always been a side hobby for me and along with my current job, I used it to make a second income stream all for just 5 minutes of my time each day. I’m not going to reveal all my secrets, but I do teach some key aspects about professional gambling which you can read in my FREE E-book. I’m going to explain why you NEED to join my betting service because it’s going to delivery an additional passive income to you all for just 5 minutes of your time each day.

NOW, before we begin, I need to know that we have an understanding.

Ask yourself whether or not you tick any of the boxes below?

You wasted money on self proclaimed “gurus”, systems and tipping services.

Want to earn a betting income for just 5 minutes of time each day?

Want access to service which will provide you with CONSISTENT profit?

If you found yourself nodding in agreement to any of the above statements, then we have more in common than you think… and I suggest that you continue reading…

” So, who are you and why should I listen…? “

My name is Stephen and I am a betting enthusiast. I am proud to say that I am a consistently profitable punter.

Something that I am very clued up on, is how to make a profit from football betting and I have been doing it for years, using a loophole I call the “Goal Loophole”.

I’ve been an avid punter for 25+ years and it wasn’t until the early 2000’s when Betfair appeared on the scene that I really got into betting. I didn’t gamble over the top, but I did well for myself overall.

Years ago I developed a betting method that would allow me to win consistently evey month.

I’ll be TOTALLY HONEST with you here.

My system does not win every day. I can even say that it sometimes doesn’t win for a few days at a time!

Let me explain…

Every day, I place a TREBLE bet on the football which ranges between odds of 4.50 and 7.00. I place the same stake (although I do increase my stake depending on the size of the betting bank that I am using).

Over an average month, I lose about 15-20 of the days, but on the 10-15 days that I win, I win BIG


This service is intended to win ‘consistently’ to keep increasing your betting bank over time and that is exactly what it does with a daily treble on the football, delivered directly to your inbox.

” I have so little time to bet. I wouldn’t be able to make the picks and do the research myself”This is the line I hear most often when it comes to reasons why more people don’t become professional gamblers. That’s where I come in. I do all that work, I make the picks and I send them directly on to you.

All you need to do is copy my bet for the day which should take you no longer than 5 minutes.

“£425.25 one day, £668.85 the next, maybe a loser or two in a row and suddenly another £589.77 banked “


In between the losers, we hit wins where our profits will speak. We are betting at odds of 4.50 or ABOVE. Never below this, meaning when we win, the win is usually considerable.

My system is going to keep your betting bank rising consistently.

If you want to start seeing more winning treble bet slips, look no further.

 You only need a small starting bank!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are you selling this service if you can just use it yourself?

The way I see it, I don’t mind giving out the bets. I see the subscription fee as the cost of my time to do the research and post the bets each day! I want to make as many people profit as possible.

How do I access the tips?

Once you join, you’ll be directed to the membership page which will explain everything to you.

What do I need to make this work?

You need a betting account that offers betting on football. You need a betting balance of whatever you can afford.

What Knowledge do I need here?

NOTHING – I do all the work for you and I e-mail you the selections each day.

What sort of starting bank do I need?

I recommend a £100 starting balance as a minimum. Obviously to make more profit, you need to use bigger stakes.

Is there betting every day?

FOOTBALL is a global sport. There are so many leagues and matches on every day and my systems work on anything. We will have a treble bet EVERY SINGLE DAY (maybe the odd day here and there won’t have a bet but that will be very rare). I am committed to sending you 365 trebles or 90 trebles depending on which subscription choice you make.

Is there a money back guarantee?

Yes – a full, iron clad, 30-day money back guarantee that you can activate at any time if you are unhappy with the service.

Is there technical support?


You’re STILL not convinced?

Okay Okay,
close this web site…. this really isn’t for you.

I’ve said everything that needs to be said and it’s now up to you to make a decision.

I want you to join my service.

Each day, you’re going to receive a betting e-mail from me with a treble.

That treble will be odds of a minimum of 4.50 or above and all you will need to do is place that bet each day and watch your betting grow to numbers that you have never seen before.

I constantly adjust the staking to fit the size of our betting bank meaning that the bank will always grow exponentially.

Don’t miss this opportunity.

The door won’t be open for too long.

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